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I adopted Makayla from AJ's Haunted Dolls 9/12/09
Below is some basic information that came from the seller

Active Spirit, She is listed class A on EVPs. Humming can be heard comming from her host, She has been heard saying 'Fa la la, Fa la la' and 'lights so pretty'. It is thought she is a younger sprit, you can feel her warm presence when she is in the room with you. She loves to be facing the Christmas tree, we put her out where she can see the lights. At times we have smelt a light scent of peppermint and the deep scent of pine around her. She has said her name, She said either 'Me Kayla or Makayla'.

She has knocked on walls, I have had her for three years, She has always been a delight to have. It is not known how she passed away. She is a Christmas Doll. She is most active during the wee Hours of the AM. Makayla is a very positive spirit, she loves to be around people. Her smile warms your heart, Her host is 18' tall. She has brought joy to my spirits and myself, she is a very unique doll and spirit.

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